Storage Technology Its Types And Devices

Shreya Pai
4 min readDec 12, 2021


Nowadays, all computer devices have some form of memory that they use to store data. There are basically two types of storage, one is static or fixed storage and the other is Powerful or flexible storage as I have already discussed this in the previous RAM blog. There are three basic types of storage technology

  1. Magnetic storage
  2. Optical Storage
  3. Solid State Storage

Types of storage equipment

Storage capacity is no longer dependent on your computer capacity. There are many options available to capture your files while saving storage on your computer, phone, or tablet. If your devices are slow and running out of space, you can upload files to your mobile storage device. Or better yet, use the best storage technology and store your files in the cloud.

Cloud storage

While not a one-size-fits-all device, cloud storage is a relatively new and versatile component of computer storage. “Cloud” is not a single site or object, but a large collection of servers stored in data centers around the world. When you save a document to the cloud, you save it to these servers.

Because cloud storage stores everything online, we do not use any second storage for your computer, which allows you to save space. Cloud storage offers much higher storage capacity than USB flash drives and other visual options. This saves you from having to scan each device to find the right file.

Fig 1.0: Cloud Storage

External storage devices

In addition to storing media content inside a computer, there are also external digital storage devices on computers. These are often used to increase the amount of storage space on a computer running out of space, allowing for extra portability, or providing easy file transfers from one device to another.

External HDDs and SSDs

You can get both HDD and SSD devices as external drives. These usually offer a large amount of storage space between external options, with external HDDs offering up to 20 TB of storage and (affordable) external SSDs offering up to 8 TB of storage.

External HDDs and SSDs work in much the same way as their internal counterparts. Many external drives can connect to any computer; they are not tied to a single device, so they are a decent solution for transferring files across devices.

Fig 2.0: HDD and SDD

Optical Storage Devices

CDs, DVDs, and Blu-Ray discs are more widely used than music and video players — they serve as storage devices. They are generally known as eye-catching devices or visual media.

Floppy Disks

While they may be outdated at this point, we cannot discuss the final tools without mentioning at least a humble floppy disk, aka diskette. Floppy disks were the first widely available, lastly portable, removable. That is why many “Save” icons look like they do, made into a floppy disk model. They work in the same way as hard disk drives, albeit to a lesser extent.

Storage on computer systems

A storage device is a piece of hardware that is widely used to store data. Every desktop computer, laptop, tablet, and smartphone will have some sort of storage device inside. There are also independent external storage drives that you can use on all devices.

Storage is required not only for file storage, but also for operations and applications. Any file you create or save on your computer is stored on your computer storage device. This device stores and stores any applications and operating systems for your computer.

Primary Storage: Random Access Memory (RAM)

Random Access Memory, or RAM, is the primary storage area of ​​the computer. RAM is a flexible memory, which means it cannot hold on to information when the system shuts down. RAM makes it possible for a computer to access data randomly, and thus read and write faster than a second computer storage.

Second Storage: Hard Disk Drives (HDD) & Solid-State Drives (SSD)

In addition to RAM, every computer has another storage drive that is used to store data for longer periods of time. This is the second storage. Any file you create or download saves it to a second storage location. There are two types of storage device used as second storage for computers: HDD and SSD.

Secondary storage devices are usually removable, so you can replace or upgrade your computer storage, or move your storage drive to another computer. There are significant differences, such as MacBooks, that do not offer removable storage.


If you run out of space on your devices, it’s time to look at another storage device. Even external storage devices such as flash drives can become obsolete, broken, or lost. This is why the best way to keep all your files in the cloud. It is safer, faster, and easier to access.



